All In
- Are you all in with God and Jesus?
- Have you truly surrendered or just surrendered what you were comfortable with surrendering?
- Are you too busy some days to worship, to thank, pray, and have a relationship with our God? How would you feel if God was too busy for you?
- When you have been in need and reached out for God and he was there for you, you were probably ALL IN during that time. Will you only be ALL IN when you are in need? The scriptures are very specific, “Love Your God with ALL your heart and with ALL your soul and with ALL your mind and with ALL your strength” Mark 12:30
Or in Proverbs 28:9 “If anyone turns a deaf ear to my instruction, even their prayers are detestable”
- If we are to expect all the glory and promises that God has offered us, wouldn’t you think that he might expect our all? We can’t be Check the box Christians and expect to be pleasing to God, he requires and deserves more than just part of us. He is asking for our ALL, ALL IN!
- If you are still holding on to the things in your past, and if you have not truly forgiven someone in your life and have not moved on from it, then you have not done what God has asked you to do.
- If you are living in fear, not trusting God fully, you are basically saying, “Well, God I know you got me, but just in case I’m going to do it my way.” (HGY6!!)
- If you are living with hate for anyone, then you are falling into the devil’s trap. Hate is not from God so that leaves us knowing where it comes from. We must forgive all!
- If you are living with Anxiety, then are you not truly trusting God? If you are doing everything according to God then you should be able to overcome anxiety. Philippians 4:13 “For I can do all things through Christ that strengthens me” Before this amazing verse Paul wrote this 4:11-12 “I am not saying this because I am in need, for I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living with plenty or in want. 4:13 I can do all things through Christ that strengthens me”
- To be a true Christ Follower it takes more than just saying I’m a Christian. It takes living according to God’s specific instructions. ALL of them! This is just some of them.
- You must be Born Again – Baptized, a public announcement to the world. Of your own free will.
- You must Pray – Follow his instructions, pray continuously, daily, always.
- You must Listen to Him and for Him – Take time to listen, don’t be ‘Too Busy’.
- You must Believe in Him – Not just partially, with all you heart, soul, mind, and strength.
- You must Obey Him – Not just in the areas that you want to obey, in ALL areas
- You must Love Him – Unconditionally just as He loves us.
- You must Share Him – Now go make disciples of men. God put us on a mission, to continue the mission Jesus started. If we don’t do this then what Jesus sacrificed would be for nothing.
- You must Serve Him – In all we do we must be as a servant, just as Christ was for us.
- You must Suffer – Be willing to suffer for Him. Don’t hide your faith when something might seem difficult or in an awkward situation.
JD Greear made a great analogy – If you look at a breakfast plate of Eggs and Bacon and think of the Hen and the Pig. They both had a part of providing that breakfast, the hen supplied the egg, but the Pig was ALL IN.